My frist solo trip as a mum and how I went from zero to 100!

My first solo trip as a mum and how I went from zero to 100!

I’m currently in Northampton, at a prayer retreat. The country view is absolutely breathtaking and it’s a CHRISTIAN resort! I’ve had it somewhere in my head that this will not be a normal occurrence in this country but how wrong I was! Reminds me of that time God told Elijah about the 7000 prophets of God in Israel in 1 Kings 19:18. For context, Elijah complained about being the last faithful Israelite who hadn’t compromised their faith by bowing to Baal, this was after trying to evade the wrath of Jezebel for getting rid of the prophets of Baal.

See, God has men everywhere, from United Kingdom to Russia and even Siberia, for every faithful man, there are 7000 more yet to be known. It’s also my first solo trip as a mum. I’ve always wanted to take a solo vacation, just me, by myself, for myself. One or two nights to sleep, journal and relax. Even though this isn’t a vacation in that sense, I like the feeling and I’m having a blast! I also haven’t had to ‘mummy’ my kids through the phone, my husband and my brother are doing an amazing job

I’m grateful for a solid support system. If there’s one thing my husband has consistently done, it’s allowing me room to grow and discover myself. But I digress!

This trip feels like a full circle moment. I’ve been reminded of how far God has brought me. I attended a conference by Secret Garden Global. I stumbled on an interview of the convener Dr Olori Boye-Ajayi (we call her OBA) in 2019, and today I’m standing here. Wait for the gist!

I saw that interview clip at a time when I didn’t have any direction in my life. I’ll call it my coasting years. I had nothing much going on. I was a mum with two little kids who indulged on baby cereal, watched TV all day, slept at will and complained about everything else. I was very dissatisfied. I wanted more and that day OBA became that voice that called me forth from the wilderness.  

I watched that clip repeatedly. I wanted what she had, I wanted that boldness, that courage, I wanted more. It was one of my cues to wake up.

Here are seven lessons I learnt from OBA in the last five years

The person you are now is not the same person that will step into the plan God has for you

Here’s a test, if God gives you that career you’ve always wanted, the money you’ve dreamt about, the exceptionally gifted child, the dream man, even the dream car, can your current state handle it? Think about it, you are unlikely to have what it takes to keep that career if it falls on your lap, you’ll likely lose that money via unwise investments if you don’t have the knowledge, and it takes a certain type of parent to raise a gifted child. The same goes for every other thing you can think of.

Every new level needs a certain level of preparation. By the time you get to the end of this blog, you’ll get some practical preparation tips and what it takes to fill the blanks.


Take self-development seriously

I remember the time in my life when coaching didn’t make sense. Afterall, we can learn anything on Google and YouTube. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a time and place for self-paced learning and some of the skills I have now, I taught myself. However, my deliverance came when I learnt that my mentors have coaches and even my coach has a coach. A coach shortens your journey and what should have taken you six months to figure out on your own can take you two weeks. There’s so much work to do in this world and no time to play around or wait for however long it takes YouTube to get you up to speed. Not when God depends on our rising to make moves. It is small thinking that births the understanding that coaching is expensive or not important. Whether you’re convinced you cannot afford it or it’s the ‘I can figure it out attitude’, it’s still small thinking, maybe even with a sprinkle of pride. Identify the areas you need to improve and get a coach. Period!

I remember signing up with a hair coach. I’ve paid for coaching for a lot of areas, but hair? My husband just felt ‘oh dear, what is this again’. We are knowledge junkies but even at that, hair? Anyway, that sounds like the typical learn on YouTube thing but trust me, it is not. And I’d spend less time with tailored learning than I would gathering tons of information and trying to distil them. My time is money, LITERALLY.

I struggled to maintain my afro hair without incorporating relaxers which are VERY harsh and shouldn’t even exist in the first place. Then my kids started to grow hair and it was the same story. Hair days weren’t fun and this hair coach changed the game for us! I’m still in awe! Trust me googling can be such a long winded and a time expensive process. Choose the smart life. Get help. Get a coach.


Get your finance game together 

My finances were a mess, from how much I was earning at the time to the lack of knowledge, the whole nine yards. I did not know what I was doing. I didn’t understand anything about streams of income, investments, savings, etc. After all, why did I need all that information when I barely had enough money. How wrong I was! I remember the day OBA suggested The Smart Stewards Academy with Shola Adesakin. As of today, I understand how to invest my money and make it work for me, and I successfully continue to multiply my income. There’s a science to this, I promise. I look back now and I remember when money market, mutual funds and SMP 500 were terms I would never recognise. In summary, get your money game together.


Join a community

I’m sure you’ve heard that misery loves company. Guess what, so does growth. There’s something about finding yourself in a community of like-minded people. For me, the privilege of seeing other people make giant strides pushes me to do more. OBA recommended Immerse Inner Circle and even though I was already a member, it validated my decision. A lot of influential women I know today came from that community and I watched them start small. Ugochi is the first safety advocate for children in Nigeria, Eziaha runs a multimillion naira business from her home, Idala, known as the flexi mum, runs her business and built a thriving community from her home, Bralade, a busy career woman is now and author of brilliant books, Bodam, a top executive with Guinness will teach you everything you need to know about elegance, etc etc. Feel free to goggle. Joining a community will open your eyes to what is possible. In that time, I found my purpose, caught a vision and started to express them. Who do you surround yourself with? DDK says that your network is your net worth. I’m sure you’ve heard that before.


Eat the humble pie

There’s no shame in admitting ignorance and adopting a posture of learning. There will always be someone who knows a lot more than you do in an area and it’s your responsibility to pursue them. James 1 vs 5 encourages anyone that lacks wisdom to ask. Your mentor or teacher does not have to be someone you like or admire. You’ll miss the bigger picture. They just need to have what you need per time and be willing to share it with you. Their age and experience do not matter. They can even seem snobbish or downright rude, eat the humble pie.


Pray like your life depends on it

I remember OBA once shared how she held a vigil in her home for one year, 365 days without breaking the streak! The secret place is where men are made. Any plans you pursue without God is only an ambition. Hey, ambition is great but wouldn’t it be better to make God’s agenda your ambition. We have all been called into a part of God’s agenda, let him give you the blueprint. His plans are bigger and better, no eye has seen or heard it. Walking with God is like a treasure hunt, it’s exciting, it’s exhilarating, the path shines brighter and brighter. Before you begin to draw up the 10 to 15 steps to finding out God’s plan for your life, wait a sec, it’s not complicated. Just ask Him and pray like your life depends on it. It does.


Live boldly, live loudly, someone’s rising depends on yours

One thing I’ve decided this year is to live boldly, my silence and claims of being an introvert hasn’t served me or anyone else. Ubuntu is the only word I recognise in zulu language. It translates to, I am because you are. I was just sitting in my house when OBA’s voice called me out. I have had so many experiences like that. In the same way, there’s someone out there waiting for me to shine, to speak, to share what I have inside, if I don’t, what should have taken them a year, might take ten or never happen. We all have something to share and we are accountable to God. Remember the guys that were given five, two and one talent in Mathew 25 vs 14-30. When the widow came to Elisha, he encouraged her to look inside. What do you have in your hands? Decide to live boldly and loudly.

Ubuntu – we are, because you are.

I’ll leave you with Matthew 5 vs 13-16. 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

I Love you! I really do. If you’ll love to receive emails from me, click here and share your email address.

PS: My next blog post will be about my retreat experience. Hopefully, by then, I can put it into words. Hopefully.

2 thoughts on “My frist solo trip as a mum and how I went from zero to 100!”

  1. Thank you for putting this out here. Loads and loads of wisdom. I particularly love the examples you gave. Now I’m considering doing a 365 days vigil😁
    I also love the take-it-or-leave-it attitude it came with! The truth is the truth.

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