Thrive | Soar | Make a Diffrence

Oge Umeokafor

Oge has always known that she was not created to be ordinary. This understanding not only shapes her outlook and convictions about life, it guides her choices and has ultimately set her on the path of partnering and co-creating with God, serving His vision in her heart across her multiple expressions.



Child Clergy Network

The Child Clergy Network was launched in 2020 with the vision to promote and provide the necessary tools for Godly parenting in a constantly evolving society. Navigating parenting in this generation, especially in a developed country, can be challenging because of the subtle pressure on families to tone down conversations on faith and religion as schools and society battle to keep faith and Kingdom outside the door.


Thrive Across Borders

Thrive Across Borders was born out of my vision to see immigrants pursue and achieve God’s plans and purposes for their lives even in the diaspora. Immigrating to a foreign land comes with its own pressure for survival, and most people ultimately find themselves in the ‘hustle’ mode where survival is all they can envision. TAB is a network that engages with experts to provide the information, training, and handholding immigrants need to flourish in the diaspora while re-engineering their minds on God’s thoughts and plans towards immigrants.

Partner With Us

We are always on the lookout for strategic partnerships and collaborations that will add value to the lives of immigrants in the UK and beyond. If you have a product or service you would like to make available to immigrants, kindly reach out to us by following the link below.

Subscribe to TAB Newsletter

Our newsletters promise to enlighten, inspire and provide you with the tools and information to help you Thrive in the UK and beyond. 

Volunteer With Us

We are currently in need of volunteers who believe in our vision and would like to offer their services. If this sounds like you, please click on the link below to see the available positions and indicate interest.

Subscribe to The Child Clergy Network Newsletters

We are building a community of families who share these same parenting values, who would act as support systems for each other.

We would also provide parents with the tools to confidently raise Godly children in the diaspora.

Crafting the ideal confession

A Guide for creating Effective confessions for children

I am an author and my recent book on Crafting the Ideal Confession for your Children is definitely a resource you need. Raising emotionally healthy children is important now more than ever as information (negative and positive) is very readily accessible to our children in this technology driven generation.


Xtralarge Shoes was established in 2018 and caters to men and women with big feet (Size 40 to 47 for women, and size 40 to 50 for men). Big feet should no longer be the reason why people do not “put their best shoes forward”. Currently a shoe size 47 myself, the challenges of sourcing adequate footwear from a place of choice and not availability is something I have experienced for years. View store below

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Child Clergy Network

Thrive Across Borders

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